Gated’s Mission-First Marketing: Building Category Leadership Through Thought Leadership

Discover how Gated’s founder Andy Mowat built category leadership through mission-driven content and community engagement, transforming thought leadership into market authority.

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Gated’s Mission-First Marketing: Building Category Leadership Through Thought Leadership

Gated’s Mission-First Marketing: Building Category Leadership Through Thought Leadership

Building a new category requires more than just a innovative product – it demands a compelling vision that resonates beyond immediate users. In a recent episode of Category Visionaries, Gated founder Andy Mowat revealed how the company uses thought leadership and community building to establish authority in the attention management space.

Mission Over Mechanics

From day one, Gated took an unconventional approach to marketing. “What I said very early to my Co-Founder was not everyone will use the tool, but I want everybody to believe in the mission of what we’re trying to do,” Andy explains.

This mission-first approach shapes everything from their content strategy to their community engagement. Rather than simply promoting their product, Gated focuses on articulating a vision for the future of digital communication.

Content as Conversation

Andy’s approach to content creation mirrors his vision for digital communication – it’s about fostering meaningful dialogue. “I’ll write an article in kind of a draft form with a vision of the world in some way. I think it needs to be and then I’ll share it with some deeply thoughtful people,” he explains. “It’s a great way to kind of have those dialogues going with people.”

This collaborative approach has produced substantial thought leadership. “If you go to my LinkedIn, I’ve written an entire six series handbook on rev ops. I’ve got one coming out around just all the go to market hacks that have worked for me. I just dropped two this week as well, too.”

Building Advisory Networks

Rather than relying solely on content, Gated actively builds relationships with industry thought leaders. “If you look at our LinkedIn, you’ll see there’s a ton of advisors of people that are very prominent, that are helping us out, advising us as well too,” Andy notes.

These relationships serve multiple purposes. Beyond providing strategic guidance, advisors help amplify Gated’s message and lend credibility to their category creation efforts.

Selective Engagement

Gated’s community building isn’t about reaching everyone – it’s about connecting with the right people. Using tools like Clearbit, they identify and engage with influential users who can help spread their message. As Andy explains, they look at “who has donated and it’ll tell me what’s their profile here’s, their link, how many followers do they have, and if it’s an intriguing profile.”

The Manifesto Approach

Central to Gated’s thought leadership is their manifesto, which articulates the problems with current communication patterns. “Right now, you don’t control your own attention,” Andy explains. “The manifesto talks about anyone can reach us and they can send us whatever the heck they want and they can do it. And automation increases that.”

This clear articulation of the problem helps frame Gated not just as a product, but as a movement toward more intentional digital communication.

Category Creation Through Conversation

Rather than forcing category definition, Gated lets it emerge through dialogue. “I don’t over index on category definition too early,” Andy notes. “I think people need to understand it, understand the pain it can solve and then you find those categories.”

Lessons for Founders

Gated’s approach to thought leadership offers valuable insights for founders building new categories:

  1. Start with a compelling mission that transcends your product
  2. Use content to start conversations, not just broadcast messages
  3. Build a network of influential advisors who believe in your vision
  4. Engage selectively with users who can amplify your message
  5. Let category definition emerge through dialogue rather than declaration

The key is authenticity – as Andy demonstrates, effective thought leadership comes from genuine expertise and conviction, not marketing formulas. By focusing on mission over mechanics, Gated is building more than a product category – they’re creating a movement for better digital communication.

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